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/ Developer Source 16 / Developer Source Volume 16 (I-MODE Publications, Inc.)(1999).iso / inten / 8a2 / ballf103.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-03-17  |  41KB  |  446x322  |  4-bit (16 colors)
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OCR: Lineitem Left Outer Orders Left Outer loin Supplier loin Customer Includes all Unetem rov's (includes all Orders successfully joined to rows successfully Supplier ron's, plus any joined to Customer rows, unmatched Lineitem rows) plus any unmatched Orders rotasy Lineitem/Supplier Left Outer Join Orders/Customer (includes all Lineitens/Supplier oves successfully joined to Orders Customer rows, plus any unmatched Lineitem or Lineitem/ Suppiler royisy Figure 3. Secondary indexes can sit on top of join index columnns.